Friday, September 25, 2009


I think that the type of violence that affects young teenage women is threatning abuse. I think that it affects them the most because I have seen many girls in abusive relationships that they want to get out of, but are scared because their partner threatends them by saying that if they leave they are going to take the kids from them,they're going to commit suicide,hurt them or someone they love,etc... I have once been in a type of threatning relationship before. I didin't want to be with him anymore and broke up with him several times but every time I'd try to break up with him he'd get really drunk and start to do crazy things like crash his car on purpose,wouldn't go to work, tried to hurt himself, etc... People use to say it was my fault and that I should be with him or else he was gonna end up killing himself. At first I started to believe it. So I kept getting back together with him. Afterwards I started thinking that he was ruinning my life and I shouldn't be with him if I don't like him, so I decided to leave him for sure. At first he did do all his disaster and all, but then I talked to him in a mature and understanding way, I stayed away from him, and did not listen to annyone. As time passed he got over me. The advice that I would give other girls in similar situation is to get help, talk to someone and leave him before you or someone you love ends up getting hurt. I would also say to not believe his threats because the law is on your side.

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